Our products are climate-neutral!

The climate crisis affects us all. As a responsible company with a sustainable approach, we want to do our part to stop climate change. Because the production of each product puts a strain on the environment. We want to reduce this strain. We have already reached a significant milestone on this journey: Since 2020, DETOMASO products have been climate-neutral. How did we achieve this? Here are our measures:

CO2 footprint: measure, reduce, compensate

We take responsibility for our CO2 footprint. Together with ClimatePartner, we calculated the amount of CO2 emissions generated by our production, logistics, and commutes, among other factors. We then implemented measures to reduce these emissions. For most transportation routes, DETOMASO now uses rail instead of air travel, and employees receive subsidies for public transportation or bicycle leasing, in addition to the option to work from home.

Want to learn more about our collaboration? Our ClimatePartner ID not only confirms the climate neutrality of our company and products but also shows where and how the emissions are compensated.

Commitment to climate protection

Not all CO2 emissions can be avoided in our daily business operations. For example, on our already reduced flight routes or in the production facilities of our partners. We offset these unavoidable emissions through climate protection projects. By supporting selected and certified projects, we have already compensated for 825,153 kilograms of CO2. Thus, both our company and our products are climate-neutral.

These are the projects we support:

Reforestation in Liupanshui, China

Biogas, Haikou, China

Biogas, Southern States, China

We're not perfect

However, perfection is not our goal either. We prefer to gradually implement projects and achieve something, rather than perhaps rethink things and stand still. Continuous change also creates room for new ideas and change. With this energy, we want to continue to evolve and implement more measures and support projects in the future. For a better future.